Yanko Design

Yanko Design : http://www.yankodesign.com/2008/11/19/scarab-is-small-scarab-is-fast-scarab-is-hot/

Info Desain Grafis

Info Design


B.3 | Ilustrasi dan Infographic

Graphic Informations | Industri Visual on Magazine | News Paper | Design




Information graphics
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The Washington Metro subway map

The Washington Metro subwaymap


Information graphics or infographics are visual representations of information, data or knowledge. These graphics are used anywhere where information needs to be explained quickly or simply, such as in signs, maps, journalism, technical writing, and education. They are also used extensively as tools by computer scientists, mathematicians, and statisticians to ease the process of developing and communicating conceptual information. They are applied in all aspects of scientific visualization.

C1. | IMAGE INDUSTRY/ Grid System

IMAGE INDUSTRY | Designing | Dekstop Publishing |


Grid 1


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Look up grid in Wiktionary, the free dictionary.

Grid may mean: Meaning an array of squares or rectangles:

  • Grid plan, a city plan in which streets run at right angles to form a grid
  • Grid reference, a standard method for the location of a point on a map.
  • Grid view or datagrid, a graphical user interface element that presents a tabular view of data
  • Grid graph, in graph theory
  • Grid (typography), laying out of a page using a grid of different-sized and -shaped rectangles
  • Grid (spatial index), a method for organizing information, e.g. in a database

Graphic Fundamental


Arrow 1

Graphic Design / Visual Communication Design

Graphic design is the process of communicating visually using text and images to present information. Graphic design practice embraces a range of cognitive skills, aesthetics and crafts, including typography, visual arts and page layout. Like other forms of design, graphic design often refers to both the process (designing) by which the communication is created and the products (designs) which are generated.

D2. | DESIGNING App / Coreldraw

EDUCATION | Training Program Graphic Design / Open Line 022 70408090


Software Basic – “code”CorelDraw, aplikasi yang dimiliki oleh seorang designer grafis. Manakala dibutuhkan, software tersebut harus senantiasa diharapkan untuk hadir, memuntahkan semua kreatifitas, imajinasi, mewakili daya khayal. Bagi pengguna yang belum memiliki notebook sendiri, mungkin itu adalah sesuatu yang sulit untuk dipenuhi. Stress sendiri, akibat dari harus selalu nginstall pada setiap komputer yang akan diduduki. – | Sekarang jamannya aplikasi portable, dikemas khusus untuk bekerja pada usb flashdisk, tanpa proses installasi. Begitu juga dengan coreldraw11. Silahkan download softwarenya.

CorelDraw 11 Portable
passwordnya : taz
selamat mencoba …
Sumber dari situs php dengan judul CorelDraw 11 Portable Githu Loh …














AI Desain 1

Tabel Bisnis dan Pengembangan Desain Grafis, implementasi optimisme untuk masyarakat luas upaya mengembangkan karakter kemandirian bagi para praktisi dalam menciptakan lapangan pekerjaan. Desain grafis/ komunikasi visual terus berkembang se arah dengan kemajuan teknologi informasi, sampai saat ini terus memperlihatkan sebagai citra/ image visual yang dapat bertahan sebagai tombak komunikasi marketing yang paling ampuh.

Short News










Apresiasi Minat Studi, Desain Grafis dan Multimedia

Layanan informasi pendidikan minat profesi desain grafis, multimedia dan periklanan. Pilihan program menjadi andalan minat studi dengan target meraih kemampuan profesi dan entreprener di kemudian hari. Kebanyakan para lulusan sangat mudah mengembangkan aktualisasi keprofesian dimasyarakat, jika terdapat kemampuan yang bersifat entreprener maka kemungkinan besar para lulusan lebih banyak menekuni bidang bisnis dan pengembangannya bidang desain grafis dan multimedia. – | Sejak tahun 1980 minat studi dengan output sebagai desainer/ profesi desain grafis banyak diminati hingga saat ini, terlihat dari beberapa kemunculan studi yang bersifat formal dan formal bidang studi desain grafis yang sekarang dengan sebutan komunikasi visual telah menempatkan studi favorit pada beberapa perguruan tinggi, khususnya di kota besar. – | Komunitas keprofesian telah lama tumbuh menjadi bagian kolaborasi kompetitif profesional. Pergerakan profesi boleh di bilang sangat cepat tumbuh jika dibanding dengan pertumbuhan dan perkembangan pendidikannya itu sendiri. Salah satu yang berindikasi cukup kuat menjadi argumentasi adalah perkembangan bidang teknologi media informasi. – | Perkembangan pada sektor ini telah menempatkan profesional rancang komunikasi visual telah menempatkan sebagai ladang bisnis yang tidak tertahan peluangnya. Banyak dibuktikan bahwa pelaku bisnis telah melirik sebagai ladang profit yang tidak terukur dengan hasil yang melimpah ruah menjadi bagian dukungan ekonomi bagi masyarakat secara luas. Data belanja iklan dalam periklanan di Indonesia. – | Memasuki catur semester pada tahun ini minat studi pada jalur desain grafis/ komunikasi visual yang didalamnya terdapat; desain grafis, multimedia dan periklanan akan semakin banyak diminati, sebagai prosfek yang cukup luas dan berkembang.


Bagaimana minat investasi pada edukasi dan profesi ?, sampai saat ini masih berkisar pada kota besar di wilayah Indonesia, perguruan tinggi yang sudah mapan dengan mudah membuka konsentrasi program tersebut, bagi pendidikan swata jauh lebih mudah untuk mencari peluang pasar, tetapi hampir kebanyakan para ownwr belum memahami persis potensi bidang ilmu ini. – | Kemunculan tv lokal memperlihatkan semakin mendukung minat profesi komunikasi visual [ de maulana/02/2008]

Komunitas minat studiprofile-15.jpg

_______Supported Education Program _________

Message from the Chair


I would like to personally welcome you to the Graphic Information Technology (GIT) eVision newsletter from the Department of Technology Management, an academic unit that has a long history and a diverse offering of technical disciplines.


The dedicated GIT faculty and staff in the Department of Technology Management provide a learning environment that fosters successful graduates and active alumni. The DTM has played a critical role in the formation of the Arizona State University Polytechnic campus. The synergy and scholarship between the different undergraduate and graduate programs in the department is well established and the faculty are nationally recognized for their efforts.


The Graphic Information Technology major contributes to the inclusive characteristics of the New American University by pursuing applied research that benefits the public and private sectors, while providing community service and academic offerings that enhance the economic, social, and cultural needs of Arizona. Our student population is diverse and represents both the traditional student as well as the returning adult professional. The curriculum offerings in the GIT major are unique not only in the State of Arizona, but also in the United States.


Your choice in the selection of a degree in Graphic Information Technology will provide you with an opportunity to join the many successful graduates that participate in global employment and have contributed to the advancement of their companies and profession. While the GIT curriculum continues to offer traditional classroom instruction, it is one of the first academic units at Arizona State University to offer distant E-Learning courses and degrees.



Thomas E. Schildgen, Ed.D.



Message from the Editor



The eVision newsletter was born out of the need to inform industry professionals, colleagues, community leaders, parents, and students about the Graphic Information Technology major at Arizona State University. We have often been called one of the “best kept secrets at ASU.” Because I wanted to spread the word about our Graphic IT program, I created this e-newsletter with Britt Robinson, a senior GIT student. This project, coded in PHP by Robinson, allows interaction with a large number of relational database management systems. You will also note that this edition features a digital illustration by Travis Gauthier, another one of our talented senior GIT students.



The eVision newsletter is targeted to be updated each year. This newsletter will keep you informed of our curriculum, laboratories, entrepreneurial units, students, faculty, workshops, and other activities. Our goal is to feature an outstanding student each issue, computer graphic student work, graduate defenses, industry internship short briefs, news from our entrepreneurial units and laboratories, alumni profiles, faculty profiles, and GIT news of our activities.


Our students are very marketable in industrial and academic professions upon graduation. They often end up working in Web design and development, information design, printing technology, graphic design, media sales, customer service, digital photography, multimedia, and technical illustration. In our GIT curriculum, students gain business, technical, creative, and management skills that are assets to industry and academia. That is why they often end up as project managers or industry supervisors. We hope you enjoy the eVision newsletter.


La Verne Abe Harris, Ph.D.





Units and Labs | The Digital Photography Lab | By: Penny Ann Dolin, M.T., Lecturer



The Digital Photography Lab at ASU is located in the Technology Center on the Polytechnic campus. The lab is designed as a complete working professional photographic studio with two shooting bays outfitted with state of the art digital cameras and lighting equipment. Graphic Information Technology majors can specialize in digital photography and attend classes that range from introductory to advanced studio management. In the Commercial Digital Photography class, students experience creating a catalog sheet from conception through propping, shooting, and final 4-color output in print. Issues such as color conversion, resolution, formatting and metadata are explored in addition to lighting techniques and camera technology.



There are many career opportunities in this field as the entire publishing and advertising industry moves to a complete digital workflow. From shooting, to studio management to coordinating production of collateral, this area of study provides a student with the ability to succeed in the graphics industry.

visual 1

__________Universitas Widyatama Bandung______[ ↓ ]


Designer Community



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